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Posted by : otakukenyan Jan 27, 2012


Pick and watch some anime of your interest. Anime it not itself a genre; it has many, many genres that any person could appreciate. It's easier to start with some giant titles (One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, Yu-Gi-Oh!, etc.), then once you know what like, you can get further into it.

Watch the anime! Most otaku look down on dubbed language watchers, and sometimes anime is better in the original Japanese (with subtitles), but if it's something you enjoy, you shouldn't let others' opinions rule you. (Especially if you're getting into anime!)

Don't subscribe to the hype Especially outside of Japan, anime is distorted by the fan base. A lot of the best anime aren't the most popular, as with most things, so pursue it yourself.

Talk to people like you. They are out there, I promise. Find forums and fan sites (Animevice.com, for example) where you can share your opinions, ask questions, read fan fiction, or see fan art.

Merchandise! Absolutely necessary for any otaku obsessor. It may be hard to find, but any given Sam's Goodies, Hot Topic, or Books-A-Million will have some stuff. Otherwise, finding the genuine Japanese stuff (usually the best) can be rather difficult. There are plenty of websites, though, so simply Google whichever anime whose junk you wish to purchase.

Anime conventions are like our Woodstock. They smell terribly bad, but they're so wonderfully worth it. Otaku-Con and others have schedules online in cities around the country where you can meet, interact, and cosplay.

If there is one, join your school's anime club. It can be so validating to know people in real life who share you interest, but such things are rare. If you know people like this, all the better.

Fan out! Otakus notoriously tend to be a little. . . crazy. If you're as into anime as you think you are, you're probably already writing stories for your favorite characters, drawing them, and learning the dances and lyrics for the intro, but if you're not, you're not doing it right.

Make an AMV! If you like an anime you can make an anime music video out of it and upload it to youtube. Its a great way to meet some otaku friends online and to share you favorite anime with other people. There are also amv contests you can enter online as well as at conventions.

Remember to sleep! And eat, and shower, you crazy obsessor, you.

Cosplay as your favorite anime characters! It's the farthest you can go, dressing up as your characters. Unless, of course, you want to glomp Vic Mignogna.


It's a good idea to buy some merchandise from the anime you like. Check out online stores, as they often have some great items for not-too-high prices.

Try to take suggestions from people, even different genres. You never know what you'll like.

Watch online. Once you find your first anime, you can type in "(insert anime here) episode 1", and so on episodes, at these few sites: Veoh.com or Youtube.com.

Try subscribing to a manga/anime magazine like Shojo Beat. Shojo Beat also has stuff about Japan's latest trends.

There are many online manga places, but I would suggest that you try and support the anime community by buying the manga or even better attending some of the conventions


If your friends aren't into manga and anime, then don't go on and on about it. You may love it, but that doesn't mean you have to inflict it on others who don't share your interests, you may turn them away.

Check out the page "Not be a rabid Otaku". Not everyone wants to hear about it.

Be noted, otakus are usually treated as freaks in Japan and that it is not "cool" or "awesome" to be one. Keep your power levels in check. Same goes for North America; don't expect to get chicks or invited to parties because of your intimate Naruto knowledge.

Do not start acting like a snob. People don't like fans who are biased and only talk about the anime they like, it can be really annoying.

Be careful in the anime community, yes there is a community of anime fans, some are great, some are interesting, but at times, you will run across the snobs, don't let the deter you from being a fan.

Don't and I mean this, DO NOT nerd out over ONE series, give all series a chance!

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