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Posted by : 666Suj May 23, 2016

Akame Ga Kill is worth watching and kinda unique. It spans 24 episodes which are decently paced. The story revolves around a group of assassins trying to overthrow an empire in a fantasy world. The plot is great. The art style is traditional. The character development is alright. The dub not so good. This is one of those shows where the less you know the better, but if you want more relatively vague details read below.

"Once upon a time, a boy and his 2 friends left their village seeking to make a name for themselves and send money back to their village. After getting to the capital however, the boy discovers that what he thought the capital city was like and what it is, were two very different things"…
It’s a little difficult to talk about this story without spoiling it. At its core it’s a harem anime, with an ‘overthrow the government’ plot (similar to most mecha shows), with a bit of Game of Thrones thrown in (saying how will ruin it).
The characters in the show are all great, most being a particular trope, but having a pretty unique twist. In terms of character development, the main protagonist, and a few others have great development, the majority however don’t, but for decent enough reasons (telling you will spoil it).
The first few episodes or so introduce you to the world that the show takes place in whilst giving insight into some of the characters.
The pacing of the story is pretty good and the show tells a full complete story. There is potential for a spin off show, but explaining how will once again spoil it.
8/10 (5 being mediocre, 10 being awesome)

Art Style
The art style is traditional, with no real over the top super stylized effects. I did feel like some of the fight scenes could have done with some better effects, but that’s just a matter of taste. Scenes that had some particularly emotionally intense moments did have a distinct difference with art style that did help elevate the scenes being presented, but those last only a couple of seconds at a go even though they will leave you with an impression.
6/10 (5 being uninspired, 10 being unique)

Sound, Music and Dub
The sounds for the show were ok, with nothing really outstanding. The music though was amazing. This has one of the most unique soundtracks I’ve heard in a while, containing oriental, Bollywood, African, and even industrial tracks that really get you psyched for what’s about to happen. The dub was serviceable, but really badly translated at times with some lines not really making any coherent sense. The actual acting is also not that great, except for the main character, who is just ok. This is actually one of those shows where I would strongly recommend a subbed version.
6/10 (5 being mediocre, 10 being awesome)

You should watch this show. Even though it’s a harem anime at its core, its plot is insane to a point where you will actually have to think about whether it really is a harem anime. If you are not ok with gore or violence, then don’t.

7/10 (5 being ok, 10 so good that you will create your own costumes for each character and cosplay as them for the rest of your life)

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  1. Oh my gosh, i didn't know there was someone out there in Kenya who loves anime!!!


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